Carrier Management Systems, Inc (CMSI), d.b.a. NAMS®, Network Analysis Management System, is an integrated system that assists telecommunications service providers by automating normally tedious and laborious tasks such as data collection, network design and engineering, fraud prevention, and revenue assurance. Designed with an intuitive web-enabled front-end and PostgreSQL as the back-end, NAMS® utilizes powerful technology while making it easy for the user to navigate the system. The NAMS® turnkey approach, which includes hardware, software, and a full array of installation services, minimizes the normal deployment hassles most companies experience while implementing new systems.
NAMS® (Network Analysis Management System) was first developed by Paul Bilberry and his team, in 1988 when he founded Action Telcom, Inc. with his family. At that time, affordable network management software was scarce, leaving companies vulnerable to fraud and escalating network costs. As a solution to Action’s growing network needs, Bilberry created the first NAMS® product.The success of NAMS® caught the attention of Siemens, the manufacturer of telephony switches supported by the NAMS® product. Siemens began recommending the NAMS® product to their customer base. As a result, NAMS® expanded its connectivity to telephony switches manufactured by Nortel and Lucent. Later, NAMS® added local service providers to its product offering. Following the sale of Action Telcom, the Bilberry family re-acquired NAMS® and founded Carrier Management Systems, Inc. to market and support the product.
In 2000, CMSI launched NAMS®2000 and NAMS® Centralized, both of which utilize a graphical interface and host all reporting features on a single platform. NAMS® Centralized caters to larger providers that require the aggregation of all network data and reporting within a multi-switch environment. CMSI developed a solid base of rural telephone companies in the early 2000s, making changes in the existing NAMS® software and creating new applications to address their specific needs.
What makes us different? Industry knowledge and experience. CMSI is not merely a company that develops software. We specialize in the telecommunications industry, where our roots exist. Our professional staff has numerous years of telecom carrier experience, giving us insight and a broader understanding of the business and the challenges our customers face.
With the addition of NAMS Firefly®, CMSI can meet the increasing demands of telecommunications service providers worldwide… regardless of their size.
Carrier Management Systems, Inc
We look forward to working with you to solve your telecommunications data analysis and fraud mitigation needs