Data Analytics being our strength, we developed our NAMS Firefly® Metaswitch Visibility Package, enhancing our clients’ Metaswitch experience, providing hassle-free configuration information and data statistics.

Typically, switch personnel access Metaswitch data from two different databases, the statistics and configuration databases; access is cumbersome and training required. NAMS Firefly® Metaswitch Visibility accesses these databases directly via GUIs or through customized spreadsheets.  NAMS Firefly® Metaswitch Visibility provides a “user-friendly” web-based viewing tool, enhancing the user experience with ease of use, speed, and accuracy. 

Our real-time dashboard allows you to monitor any of the elements in your network. If certain data is critical, the dashboard can center on those specific areas, allowing you to monitor those problem areas actively.

Pre-set alarms on specific data/statistics alert you in both high and low conditions, enabling you to monitor the network health and receiving alarms when things go wrong.

Automated reports are a huge benefit but sometimes overlooked. Reports can be scheduled to run on a regular basis – day and time specified by you, delivered to your computer at the schedule you choose.  Our NAMS Firefly® Metaswitch Visibility makes getting your critical data to you quick and easy.

Sample usage statistics are:

  • Multi-Line Hunt Group
  • Hosted PBX