NAMS has developed a wide array of products that address many critical issues now facing wireline and wireless telecom companies. The core components of the NAMS suite of products include real-time Call Record collectors, SS7 and SIP probes for real-time transport protocol collection, database import engines, and a variety of useful reports and applications. At the heart of our products is a PostgreSQL Database, which utilizes partitioning and clustering in order to make queries against large telecom datasets practical.

NAMS Firefly
data collection, Data Anaylsis, Fraud Mitigation
NAMS Firefly® includes multiple interfaces, record formats, and applications that offer the user total network visibility. Revenue Assurance, Fraud Prevention, Network Maintenance, Network Planning, and Billing Collection and Mediation are key essentials that the NAMS Firefly® provides. NAMS Firefly® consists of multiple applications that work on multiple sources of data and record formats that may include multiple network interfaces.
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data collection
NAMS BMX (Billing Media Exchange) solution supports many switch interfaces, communication protocols and record formats. Our collection and mediation products have been used reliably worldwide since 1988. BMX collection systems can be ordered in redundant or non-redundant congigurations. Our BMX collection systems can be delivered fully NEBS Level 3 certified or on more economical hardware depending on the requirements of the user.
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fraud mitigation
NAMS BTC (Bypass Traffic Controller) is a very useful and effective tool for controlling Phantom Traffic or Bypass Traffic. The NAMS Firefly® CS has been a very effective tool for identifying Bypass Traffic, and now with our Bypass Traffic Controller we can actively prevent Bypass Traffic from occurring, resulting in an immediate revenue increase. BTC provides the capability to reroute certain telephone calls based on call criteria.
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fraud mitigation
NAMS FTC (Fraud Traffic Controller) has been designed to prevent fraudulent calls from being made on your switch. Most often, these fraudulent calls originate on a hacked PBX system at your customers premise. These calls are most frequently seen on VoIP PBX and voicemail systems, but can also originate on standard SS7 based systems as well.
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data collection
NAMS SBS (Switch Backup Solution) is a hardware replacement for failed tape backup modules on legacy DCO switches. Additional features such as offsite backups push this solid-state solution far beyond the original equipment.
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