The NAMS Billing Media Exchange (BMX), is our collection and mediation solution supporting many switch interfaces, communication protocols, and record formats – the trademarks of a robust collection/mediation solution. BMX is used worldwide, with reliability, accuracy, and customer satisfaction, since 1988.
BMX collection systems are available in two configurations: redundant or non-redundant. Our BMX collection systems are configured, depending on the client’s requirements.
Collection & Data Mediation
The BMX collection application supports many protocols, which customizes configuration to our client’s requirements. The BMX mediation software supports many file formats. Its output requirements are configured to the client’s system, automatically or manually, delivering all or only selected billing records to multiple platforms simultaneously.
BMX uses a Self Recovering Protocol (developed by NAMS), allowing extremely reliable billing record transfers, enabling the system to overcome (LAN/WAN) network outages.
The NAMS Self Recovering FTP Transfer application automatically re-transfers incomplete files (upon connectivity) during those rare (usually rare) times that network outages occur during regularly scheduled maintenance, outages, resulting in incomplete files at the downstream systems.
Billing Transport
AMA/CDR transport, and distribution, is an automated process and supports many different formats and configurations. The NAMS Self Recovering FTP application facilitates automated file transfers to most, if not all, downstream systems, eliminating time-consuming workload off your IT professional’s desk.
All NAMS collectors include extensive logging capabilities that aid the customer and NAMS support personnel by providing sophisticated diagnostic capabilities.
Flat File Call Search
Flat File Call Search is a web-based application allowing users to perform call searches on BAF (GR-1100-CORE) call records and/or any fixed length call record. This feature provides near real-time search capabilities. Key functionality, NOC personnel can effectively troubleshoot network problems.
Click here for a complete list of Switches, Hardware, Protocols, Communications Interfaces, and Telcom Standards Compliances.