Additional Services available to NAMS® customers
Optional data backup software and hardware is available to extend raw call record storage from 2-5 years to 10-15 years of raw record storage, depending on the volume of call data.
NAMS Firefly utilizes a unique backup utility that securely transfers key configuration files off-site that allows for speedy recovery and even faster upgrades. Optional data backup security is available.
Custom programming is available to meet any specialized needs your company may have, from custom billing transfer scripts to specialized file encryption.
For more than 16 years, NAMS has helped to seamlessly integrate our various switching platforms into our complex billing system. It has served as an invaluable tool in the rapid expansion of our network.
Lou Lombardi, Jr.
Cooperative Communications
Your support is outstanding. Your tech left me a message this morning over concerns that he was not seeing traffic off my NAMS Firefly system. As always, CMSI's aggressive monitoring of our NAMS system is of great value in assisting us in maintaining network integrity.
Roger Barnhart
Champaign Telephone
Your NAMS equipment with the EMI Correction Software option has enabled us to correctly bill terminating toll that currently is toll fraud. We are a small company with low toll traffic volumes, however the increased monthly terminating toll revenue is projected to recover the cost of the NAMS system within 18 months.
Phil Smedema
Lakefield Telephone Co
The NAMS has allowed us to streamline many processes that once took multiple personnel days to do. This is allowing us to concentrate on the most important task of keeping our customers happy.
Randy Siler
West Wisconsin Telephone
The NAMS Firefly system has been instrumental in our company being able to gather the data necessary to complete wireless interconnection agreements and bill the usage each month.
Kelley Wells
Panhandle Telephone
With NAMS Centralized System, we have been able to manage our network at a level that has saved us time and money.
Kirk Petty
Santa Rosa Telephone Cooperative
Some of our clients