Your telecommunications network produces a lot of data. So much data in fact, that trying to sift through it by hand would be impossible. We realized this early, as we looked through data from our own switch. That’s why we created the NAMS Firefly family of products.

We can take data from all of your network components, and put it into a format which makes sense.

After we have the data in our PostgreSQL database, we can produce reports on your data so that you can quickly find what you’re looking for. You can even schedule reports to be generated and delivered automatically.

Imagine for one moment, sorting through your billing records for a month, looking for calls which went to a particular exchange or along a particular trunk. If your switch is producing 100,000 calls a day, trying to create a report on this could take you a month! With the NAMS Firefly CS a report such as this can be created in seconds.

We have designed our products to save you time and money. Contact us today, and let us show you how easy telecommunications data reporting can be!